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Olive Oil

Our olive oil is of world famous Kalamata quality and one of the best olive oils in the world
Olive Tree
It is grown on trees up to 100 years old. Our traditional methods of land cultivation and harvesting allow us to produce one of the best quality olive oil in the world. Our climate and our olive farms that are situated in the southwest part of Messenia are contributing in this delicious taste and quality of our olive oil as well. Our olive trees belong to “Koroneiki” variety which is one of the most famous varieties in the world.
In November we start to harvest our olives. We put them in sacks of 50 kilos and we bring them in olive pressing factories of our area. With the quick transportation of our olives and the right technical methods of our olive oil factories we succeed in the production of the best quality olive oil. We keep our oil in our storage places in standard temperature and protected all the year from the sunlight and the alternation of the temperature.
We can supply our customers with two types of olive oil. Organic and Extra virgin
You can contact with us in:
Mob: 00306946333645
Olive Oil




Kalamata Olive